Memphis Geometric Design Element

Spotlight On


Nominations Open Now!

"Spotlight on Excellence" is a new program initiated by the Virginia Society of Radiologic Technologists (VSRT) to ​acknowledge and celebrate our members’ outstanding contributions to the field. This program will serve as a platform to ​recognize and honor individuals who consistently surpass expectations, demonstrating unwavering dedication and ​commitment to their profession.

The program is open to students, technologists, and educators alike, so if you know a member who goes above and ​beyond the call of duty, let us know! Whether it's a student showcasing remarkable promise, a technologist displaying ​exceptional patient care, or an educator inspiring the next generation of professionals, all are eligible for nomination!

The winner of this month’s “Spotlight on Excellence” will be announced via our social media accounts.

Like, share, and follow us on Facebook to see if your nominee wins!

Memphis Geometric Design Element
quotation icon mark
Start Button Icon
Shadow Border Effect
Chat Icon
At Glyph Icon

Abstract light blue gradient background
Volunteer Icon

Interested in Volunteering for the VSRT?

We rely on the support and participation of our members to keep delivering you a fantastic experience.

Polls & More.

P letter. Wooden block toy, word spelling, educational game puzzle object
Z letter. Wooden block toy, word spelling, educational game puzzle object
L letter. Wooden block toy, word spelling, educational game puzzle object
Z letter. Wooden block toy, word spelling, educational game puzzle object
U letter. Wooden block toy, word spelling, educational game puzzle object
E letter. Wooden block toy, word spelling, educational game puzzle object

Find the secret word by unscrambling the clues.

Comment with your answer on our Facebook post and see if you’re correct!